The advent of modern technology and with that the growth of
digitalization have played an important role to create a digital era we live in
today. Today, it is safe to say that the majority of the population worldwide
have access to a mobile device. The growth in the number of mobile users has
increased exponentially in the last decade.
In the current landscape,
a well-designed website is an absolute must for almost all the small to large
businesses. A fast website which is well designed and offers a good overall
user experience keeps your customers and audience coming for more. Thus, it increases
the lead generation, increases the credibility of your company and website, and
also increases brand engagement.
As mentioned earlier, as the number of mobile users has
increased significantly, it is important for businesses to develop a
mobile-friendly website. Further, it is essential to offer a good user
experience to the people who have visited your website on their mobile devices.
Why a mobile-friendly website? There are several reasons why you
should have a mobile-friendly website in the current era. In May 2015, Google
announced that for the first time in history, the number of mobile searches has
outnumbered the searches carried out on traditional desktops and computers.
Let’s take a closer look at some of the reasons why you should
have a mobile-friendly website.
1. Google’s 2 different search
In March 2015, Google’s Webmaster Trends Analyst, Gary Illyes,
revealed that the company is working towards a search index that is
mobile-friendly. In simple words, it means that Google now has two different
search indexes; one for mobile searches and the other for desktop searches.
The company started the live-testing for the proposed search
indexes for several keywords in various cities, states, and countries. As
Google has the largest search volume and metrics under the belt, it is easier
for the company to try and test new technologies and updates. It is crucial for
business websites to be mobile friendly owing to the rapidly evolving digital
landscape and have a competitive edge over their competitors.
2. Mobile searches on the rise
In the current scenario,
the number of mobile users has significantly increased and the trend is set to
continue. As the number of mobile users has expanded massively, the volume of
mobile search has also increased. While designing or revamping your website, it
is important to create designs and content on the website to cater to mobile
users. Further, mobile (smartphones and tablets) have become an integral part
of the business consumer digital
At present, an average human being spends around 15-16 hours in
a week on their mobile devices on research. Further, they visit the website
from where they are purchasing something around six times before the actual
purchase. Thus, not creating an enhanced and smooth website experience for the
mobile users could have a negative impact on your business. A highly optimized
mobile website increases the credibility of a business with customers, clients,
and influencers in the respective industry.
3. Reach your customers faster
According to the new Google algorithm, mobile-friendly websites
gain a higher ranking in mobile search results. Hence, by creating a
mobile-friendly website, you will attract more visitors to your website and
increases your chances of widening your customer base. Moreover, customers have
to simply search for you instead of typing the entire URL of the website. Thus,
you can reach your customers faster and increase your visibility.
4. Improves website performance
It is important to understand the website you create should have
a responsive web design. Having a responsive design optimizes your website for
mobile users. The website you have created with a responsive design will
respond to the mobile device that is used to access your website. Further, it
automatically renders to look and function well regardless of which device is
5. Mobile-friendly websites are
growing in demand
Today, almost all the websites are designed with a view to cater
to the mobile audience and visitors. Further, businesses are gradually focusing
on developing a mobile website and optimizing the same to offer a good user
experience. Mobile optimization has largely been boosted by responsive website
design. Hence, in the current scenario, users expect a faster and an improved
website experience on their mobile devices.
6. Makes your business more
Very often, the services and the products you offer, are useful,
valuable and unique. However, if a potential customer or a visitor does not
have a good experience on your website, they will start assessing the other
alternatives that are available. It encourages people to turn their attention
towards your competitors.
However, if your business has a mobile-friendly website and
offers an excellent experience to your visitors, your business comes across as
legit, adds a modern touch to it and opens up a channel to expand your
As much as this article focusses on mobile-friendly websites, it
is important to understand that in the end, it is all about what kind of an
experience you are offering your customers and visitors regardless of the
device they use. Adding a responsive web design helps you achieve that goal.
Further, one should also keep in mind that everyone is not
sitting in front of a computer at all times. However, everyone uses their mobile
device and has access to the same at any given scenario throughout the day.
Hence, focus on building and designing a mobile-friendly website right away!
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